About Us
No Lunch-Lunch Bunch (NLLB) was formed in April of 2006 by 3 expat wives living in Indonesia; each doing their own type of work. This informal luncheon group was formed to help the needy and often over-looked. We provided care for those living in extreme poverty with little hope or opportunity for improvement. Our original project was to fund the re-constructive surgery for a burn victim of the 2005 post-tsunami earthquake on the island of Nias, Indonesia.
From the beginning, we have focused on individuals and the needs of the often forgotten; those with little access to outside help. We have provided individuals with medical care, arranged and funded surgeries, arranged dental care, purchased school supplies and shoes for children, provided drinking water and medical care for prisoners, set up home hospice for the remote terminally ill, provided crutches, canes and wheelchairs for those in need, as well as various other needs. Much of our work aims to help individuals without access.
The lives of the original three changed and we went our separate ways. Linley continued the work and kept NLLB alive even after leaving Indonesia. In fact, the NLLB expanded beyond the borders of Indonesia and soon she was being asked to help others living in extreme poverty in various undeveloped nations. Help was arranged for an orphan in India, a child in Cambodia, a baby in Russia, a young girl in Africa, as well as various other adults and children around the world.
While this is a simple and small program, NLLB has changed the lives of many individuals. We have learned that through our determination to make this world a better place, we have been able to make remarkable differences in the lives of those we help. Our original burn case is now the father of four children and is a teacher in newly built elementary school in his remote village. One young girl with severe burn scars that restricted the use of her leg, is now able to run and has full use of her leg! She is currently in high school attending boarding school. She hopes to become a doctor.
In October of 2013, Linley and her husband, Stephen, along with Andrew York-Thomson who is of Indonesian heritage, registered the NLLB as a USA 501C tax exempt, non-profit organization. This will allow the work to continue and expand. NLLB is no longer limited to Indonesia, but aims to help those in need regardless of country. Our goal will continue to be focused on those in dire need, often helping one person at a time, but not limited to an individual.
NLLB has no paid staff so that funds can be committed to our mission.
As Always, In Service,
Linley Simmer York
Stephen York
Andrew York-Thomson
Bryanah York-Thomson
Our Team

The heart and brains behind NLLB! Linley's nursing background and passion for those in need led to the formation of NLLB. Living in five different countries, Linley has always found someone in need. She will do everything in her power to get the help and resources. NLLB's work has no boundaries.

Stephen received his JD from Cornell University. Now retired, Stephen He spent over 20 years working abroad where he saw the great unmet needs of people living in poverty. He brings to NLLB legal knowledge and guidance.

Embracing his Indonesian heritage, Andrew became involved with NLLB in high school, performing home visits, assisting with referrals, and involvement with fundraising. Andrew holds a Masters in Statistics from Michigan State University. He is currently a mathematical statistician.

Bryanah has been active with NLLB since 10th grade managing logistics and communications, performing home visits, and assisting with referrals. She attended Grand Valley State University in Grand Rapids, Michigan where she received her BSW. Later, she attended Michigan State University where she received her MSW.