NLLB has been busy finding second hand bikes for those in need and refurbishing
them. This latest bike has been given to a student to ride to work and to university.
We have supplied bikes for foster teens who have found work and have recently
partnered with a Mission Group in the Republic of Georgia to supply funds for
good quality second hand bikes for young men to attend a weekly Bible Study.
This area has limited bus service that is not always on schedule. Bikes in Georgia
are more expensive due to availability. They cost $250 to $300 for a good quality
second hand bike. We would like to be able to help 2 young men with bikes this
year. The bikes will also be useful for them to get to work or go to the grocery store.
We also supply bike locks for each bike. If you or your friends or Bible Study would
like to supply a bike to a student or to a young man in order to attend Bible Study
please make a donation to NLLB.