NLLB wants to thank everyone who has supported our efforts this past year.
We continue to help those in need and reach people.... one person at a time.
Natalia is in her final year of nursing school in Indonesia and doing very well.
Hope Step preschool in Myanmar is continuing as allowed. This year has been
a struggle for the village that Hope Step is located in.
Warm Hugs Through Winter Coats continues to provide coats for those in need.
Today we helped a young man living in his car after losing his job. We were able
to help reinstate his car insurance. After losing his job and apartment, he
joined the DoorDash team and is working on getting back on his feet. He just
needed a little help with 2 months car insurance. These are the ways NLLB
helps those in need to get back on their feet.
You can still join in making an end of year donation to NLLB!