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Writer's pictureLinley York

NLLB Reaching Out to Indonesians

As the world joins hands to fight the Coronavirus our friends in Indonesia who will not have access to masks, gloves and supplies. We are

offering information on basic things they can be do to help fight the spread and protect

themselves and others.

They too are struggling to find elastic to have masks. They are finding masks either impossible to find or beyond their reach financially.

We heard that some boxes of paper masks of 10 were selling for $100 (2-3 weeks ago).

For the poor, this is impossible. Doing our part...educating one person at a time

who will share the information. 1.We have offered suggestions on using 5% diluted bleach.

(100 ml bleach with 900 ml water)

2. Suggested using (and making) bandanas when no masks are available.

(56 cm sq. pieces of fabric doubled over and tied around your mouth and nose).

No need to sew the ends. Wash after each use.

3. Wear Head Covers or Hats (Virus stays on hair)

4. Remove clothes and wash them and shower (and wash hair) when you come home.

5. Wash hands frequently.

6. Stand 2 meters away from others.

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