A year ago, NLLB sent out a request for volunteers to collect coins to help Natalia, a young girl from a remote mountainous village in Sumatra, to pursue a university education. Her dream was to work in medicine after suffering a 3rd degree burn that restricted use of her leg and receiving loving care in the USA at Shriners Children’s Hospital.
Upon graduating high school with high marks, she discovered that her high school had not prepared her for successful entrance into a university. This was heartbreaking for her to learn. Unfortunately, this is a common occurrence from remote school education due to limited books, trained teachers and supplies for students.
NLLB was determined to find a way to give Natalia a chance to succeed and we found her a foster family in Jakarta and a prep school that would help her prepare for entrance into university. Natalia worked hard for 12 months in pursuing her dream. However, she was told by the prep school that should could not enter Nursing, instead they suggested Architecture. Natalia studied hard and accepted a future as an architect, although her hearts-desire remained in the field of medicine where she could help others.
“CHANGE FOR CHANGE” jars were offered to volunteers who would collect loose change by volunteers to help fund her year-long prep course. This funded about 25% of her costs and NLLB funded the rest.
In a recent NLLB to Indonesia, Natalia sat an entrance exam for a Jakarta Nursing School. She had not prepared to take the exam that day, but in fact, was there to visit the school and determine possibilities. They invited her to sit the entrance exam. She learned last week that she not only was accepted, but that her exam score was high which gave her a 50% discount for the first semester.
Natalia is one of 10 children from a family that live in a village of 9 families. No one in her family has ever even dreamed of attending university or pursuing a profession.
NLLB invites you to help see Natalia through to her dream of becoming a nurse and caring for others with the same kindness and care that she remembers receiving from her nurses. NLLB will be funding Natalia’s education for four years. If you would like to donate, please go to www.nllb.me. We are a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization and you will receive a tax receipt. If you would like a jar to collect coins please let us know. You can email: nllb07@gmail.com