As millions of displaced Ukrainians have found themselves without a home,
they are seeking refuge where they can. NLLB has dear friends in the country
of Georgia who have opened their hearts and home to refugees. NLLB has
supplied funds for rent, food, vitamins and warm socks/gloves for men. We
have been able to send these goods to our friends and received this note today.
As you can imagine many of these people are in a state of shock and uncertainty
as they navigate their future. NLLB offers simple ways to ease their burdens.
Thank you for your compassionate support in reaching those in need. More
and more families arrive to their home for help, having no place to seek refuge
until they can sort out their lives. Sasha and Elizabeth feed them spiritually as
well as spiritually during this time of trauma. Rent is $200-$400/month for a
family. Some families have no where to go beyond Georgia and hope to
stay there, while others have family abroad and need time to sort out passage.
Hello, Linley!
Today we received the second package you shipped. Thank you for your thoughtfulness! We’ve already found some people who could use the vitamins, socks, and gloves, and are finding more! It’s a great help to people! The extra money you sent also helped feed and house the family (3 adults and one child) from Mariupol. They will travel to Spain on Monday to reunite with the son and most likely continue to live there with the help of the Red Cross. Thank you again!! Elizabeth and Sasha