Due to privacy issues NLLB does not often share photos of those who receive
winter coats, although Lloyd was happy to share his photo! He is a volunteer
at the local Meals on Wheels in his village and was nominated for a coat by
the other staff there. He was wearing his last new coat, purchased in 1983
when he was still working! NLLB looks for light weight/warm coats for the
older recipients, both to make sure they can easily put their coats on, as
well as to take into consideration any issues of arthritis that may make
putting a coat on more difficult.
This year we partnered with local police, who not only knew who was
in need of coats, but also were willing to deliver coats anonymously
on behalf of NLLB. We also provided coats for homeless through a
restaurant that offers free coffee to local homeless. The staff were
delighted to join in our efforts by letting us know who needed coats
and what sizes they would need.
It has been a busy few weeks preparing coats before Christmas to
those in need, although we will continue our WARM HUGS THROUGH
WINTER COATS PROGRAM throughout the winter! You can join in
our program by donating to NLLB.me and specifying this program.